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​Arsenal players are watching the Covid-19 seaso      
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20/4/2020 3:53:00 PM
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Tham gia: 19/6/2019
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Arsenal players are watching the Covid-19 seaso
Mikel Arteta says his Arsenal players are being monitored by a best free soccer prediction psychologist during their time in lockdown during the coronavirus crisis.
Arteta himself tested positive for Covid-19 in what was the catalyst for the Premier League suspending the season - with Arsenal players self-isolating as a result and haven't trained together since.
The Arsenal boss is keen lớn keep his squad in good spirits though as says they're in constant communication with a psychologist
"We have our psychologist who is looking after the players and is always in constant communication with them," Arteta said.
"But as well we're having feedback from different people and we're constantly sending information and videos and keeping them busy.
"And as well, keeping them close to their job and close to the people that are related to their job, which is us and my coaching staff.
"But we've been having some really good conversations. This time has been really helpful from my side, at least, to get lớn know the players better, and we are trying lớn improve our relationship, our communication and the understanding between us."
The uncertain future of the Premier League makes it difficult for clubs lớn plan, especially in transfer terms as the dates of a new window are still up in the air, but Arteta says his scouts are planning for all scenarios. If you are interested in betting news, visit the good soccer tip page.
Arteta says his scouting department is still in full swing and different scenarios are being planned for.
"We have a lot of meetings lớn try and plan the season," he added. &Quot;We might have one, two, three different scenarios and we have lớn be prepared for all of them.
"I'm not a person that likes improvising a lot so yeah we have to know the circumstances can change every week and we have lớn be prepared as a club to react lớn that and adapt.
"We have some time to review what we have done as well, and the things that we have to improve as a team and as a coaching staff as well, and have a big reflection on all the departments we have across the club.
"How they are feeling as well about what we are doing, how we have set up as a club, if they have any ideas for us lớn improve, and we are more than welcome to help them on how the workload can be better.
"So then we make sure when we're back, we don't know in which condition, how long we're going lớn have, we make sure we hit the ground running."

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