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Diễn đàn - Công ty TNHH Thương mại và Giải pháp công nghệ THÀNH NAM » Trao đổi, mua bán » Bất động sản » RS could have gone into the bathroom
RS could have gone into the bathroom      
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6/2/2020 3:35:11 PM
Chung tay xây dựng cộng đồng

Cấp bậc: Binh nhì

Tham gia: 12/9/2019
Bài viết: 4
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RuneScape gold could have gone into the bathroom if they didn't create bonds. Trade removal as the stop gap wrecked runescape. Because credit card companies were near banning RS buys on their cards due to the fraud, they had no option. It was we get bonds or never have trade that is free again. I think bonds was the thing to do. Yes it allows"legal" rwting but on the bright side it also lets runescape players who perhaps would not have paid for membership with money to now use gold in sport.

You're right on your last points but bonds did not get employed to fight the credit card issue. That has been in 2007. If you say they'd gone to the toilet if not for bonds, how did they survive since 2007 for those 5 years and became a ton more profitable and successful in the procedure? They didn't go into the bathroom without bondsbefore Jagex had the sums of cash banks could not refuse. In 2007 they were small.

It was either bonds or runescape. Gold farmers used stolen credit cards to cover hundreds of memberships for and hots that cash got refunded through banks into the account holders. Cause that occurred much, banks told Jagex that you need to type this out or we wont do transactions with you anymore cause of the great amount theft going on involving your game. They had to do something trigger that could have killed the main method that they take obligations for membership from round the world.

The -only- reason you have to play OSRS, and possess this debate and completely miss the point I made that, is because Jagex made the choice to continue runescape without wilderness, free commerce, and introduce bonds to fight gold farmers and stolen credit cards. That's all there's to it. Prior to EOC was introduced, Jagex did those things to maintain runescape going. OP is whining about Jagex's stance over a decade and a half ago compared to now, probably completely unaware of those challenges Jagex confronted and the reasons they left the decisions they did.You only get to play with OSRS because of MTX if you would like to accept that or not, because Jagex made the choice to buy rs 3 gold maintain runescape running with MTX and did what they needed to do to maintain sellers doing business together. There is nothing to argue about this actuality. Goodbye.

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Rskingdom đã offline
22/2/2024 8:39:04 AM
Chung tay xây dựng cộng đồng

Cấp bậc: Binh nhì

Tham gia: 22/2/2024
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